Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

Settlers of Rome
-Came from north-central part of the Roman peninsula
-Majority were metalworkers, artists and architects

-Had many colonies along the Mediterranean Sea
-Many Roman discoveries were adapted using Greek ideas, i.e. religion, alphabet, art, and military techniques and weaponry

-First settlers in Rome
-Descendants of the Indo-Europeans
- They began their settlements on the banks of the Tiber river, this was a smart placement because trading ships only could travel as far as Rome and couldn't go past it, war fleets were prevented from coming into Rome, this system allowed for an attack-free commercial port
-Built settlements on seven hills, including Palatine

However, there are many stories and myths about the origins of Rome, including the story of Romulus and Remus and Virgil's Aeneid.

-Tiber had many streams that flowed into it
-Between some of the hills in Rome laid the Forum which was a marshy area
-Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima. This was a large drain that channeled water into the Tiber for the Romans

Tarquin The Proud
-Full name is Lucius Tarquinias Superbus
-He was the final king of Rome before the republic (7th)
-He was a tyrant


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