Greek Noblemen and how they created Democracy

Democracy began with a nobleman named Draco. Draco developed a legal code where all Athenians were equal under the law. This code also made debt slavery legal and death was the harsh punishment for many crimes under the law. The next leader that helped create democracy was Solon. Solon's code outlawed debt slavery, but it also allowed for all Athenian citizens to participate in the Athenian assembly. The top three classes could even run for political office. Next, Cleisthenes came into power. During his reign, Cleisthenes allowed citizens to submit laws to the assembly with the hope that they will be passed through. Cleisthenes also created the Council of Five Hundred which allowed for 500 random citizens to be part of the assembly, giving them more power than any leader gave them before. Though these leaders expanded democracy, it was still limited to free adult male property owners. However, eventually Pericles allowed for the poor to run for political office due to him giving politicians a salary.


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