Cyber school

Personally, I hate cyber school. Throughout this whole week it's caused me a lot of stress and the constant workload is too much. I would rather get up at 6 am and go to school than have to do hours of work everyday. I will admit that I like being able to have some flexibility with my work. I don't have to do it all at a specific time like I know many other schools have to do. However, I usually don't finish my homework until six hours after I start it. Some teachers are worse than others. My English teacher especially. She gives us a lot of work each day and it is very stressful to get it all done since it takes a little longer than math or science. Cyber school takes a lot of time out of my day that I could use to spend time with my family, spend time outside, or even taking care of housework. But, even though cyber school is a burden, I am grateful that we will not have to make up these days later in the year. I'm glad that we are still getting an education and learning even in these tough times.


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