Greek Laws and Government

Greek Laws and Government

Government terms:
-Polis: political unit made up of a city and the surrounding countryside; root word for politics, polls, policy, etc.
Oligarchy: Wealthy groups dissatisfied with aristocratic rule who seized power usually with military help.
Aristocracy: Government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families.
Monarchy: A single king was the ruler.
Tyrant: Powerful people who seized control of the aristocracy with help from hoplites (well armed soldiers).
-main form of government during the 6th and 7th centuries
-Attended meetings called symposiums in order to discuss politics
-Symposiums had many forms of entertainment such as acrobats, wine, poetry, dance performances, and hetaeras
Strict Government Qualifications
-Women, the middle class, and slaves were excluded from politics
-Some aristocrats could even be excluded if they didn't have good connections or weren't favored by the people
-The exclusion of aristocrats led to tyranny
 Greek Rules, Codes, and Laws
-laws and codes were reformed throughout many leaders, for example:
         -Under Draco, debt slavery was okay and death was the go-to punishment for many crimes, but under Solon debt slavery was outlawed, all Athenian citizens could now speak at assemblies, and any citizen can press charges. Finally, Cleisthenes allowed for all citizens to submit laws for debate, and create the Council of Five Hundred where random citizens were chosen to join the counsel.


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