Guns Germs and Steel ep. 2

Guns, Germs, and Steel: Episode 2
Directions: Before viewing the film, read each question below so you know what information and ideas you should be looking for as you watch Episode 2. Record your answers to each question by providing as many facts, details, and examples as possible to answer each question.

1. At the time that the Spanish conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire, they were armed with state of the art weaponry. Describe this weaponry.  

Guns became lighter and more portable and were able to be used on the battlefield by foot soldiers (harcaboose), the gun also used gunpowder as fuel. The Spanish conquistadors also had swords made out of steel which allowed them to have a sharp edge, but still be pliable so that it wouldn't break in battle. This sword was called the rapier and it had an extra long blade.

2. What is Jared Diamond’s explanation for why the Spanish had advanced to steel swords while Inca’s were still making tools and weapons from bronze?  

People began metal work in the Fertile Crescent of which Europe is close to geographically, allowing them to obtain the metal technology quicker than the Incas could have.

3. How did the battle tactics used by the Spanish conquistadors help the small army defeat the  Inca army that outnumbered it by the thousands?

The battle tactics of the Spanish hiding and then surprising the Incas caught them off guard and caused a panic which only allowed the Spanish to harm them more than if they would've stood their guard. Also, the Spanish horses were large and scary to the Inca's because they had never seen them before and didn't know how to handle them, causing them to become even more panicked and allowing for the Spanish to attack them easier.

4. According to Jared Diamond, what made the Europeans “accidental conquerors”?

The geographic location of the Europeans allowed them to obtain guns, germs, and steel first, allowing for them to be conquerers easily.


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