Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me,
Well I guess I can say my first year of high school has been...interesting. I mean I experienced a global pandemic at age 15! I remember a few months ago I was doing pretty well in school, I had all A's, some great friends, and I couldn't wait to see what the rest of freshman year had in store. Little did I know, soon I would be stuck at home doing 4 hours of work a day, isolated from the people I hold dear to me. All of the school work is pretty awful and annoying to do and sometimes I wish I could just go to school instead of working on essay after essay each day. However, I've kept my spirits up. I mean, it can't go on forever, right? Back in March or April if you'd have asked me what I thought about online school, I would've said I hated it and that it was a burden, but now I realize that a few hours of work each day is a small price to pay for America to get back to normal. Moving on from school, one of the worst parts of this pandemic is not being able to see my close family and friends like my grandparents and some of my best friends from school like Chloe, Gabby, Angelina, Olivia, Giada, Alex, Charlene, Rachel, Sierra, Cici, Brenna, Camryn, Gracious, and more (hopefully you recognize those names when you read this :)). Sure, sometimes my grandparents drive by our house and we can wave to them, but not being able to give my grandparents a hug is absolute torture. It breaks my heart seeing my grandma's face when we just have to air-hug her for her safety. There is no greater pain than having someone you love at your fingertips but you can't even touch them. Also, sure I can FaceTime my friends and talk to them over the phone, but its not the same as seeing each other in person and laughing until we can't breathe.  Life is short and the people I love could get hurt at any moment and I can't bear the thought of not being able to say goodbye or help them. You can see from the reasons I gave above why Covid-19 is one of the worst things in my life at the moment. But it's not only me experiencing pain, heartache, and suffering. I luckily have had no one die from the Corona virus, but others can not say the same. People are being taken from us everyday due to the illness and I can only imagine the pain these people feel. Also, at the time I'm writing this, George Floyd has been killed by a police officer kneeling on his neck for eight minutes, suffocating him. His last words were "I can't breathe." George was arrested for a false allegation about a 20 dollar bill and it cost him his life. I can only imagine what his family is going through. George's death opened mine and many other peoples' eyes. Black oppression has been going on for years and it must be stopped. Americans are coming together to protest and spread awareness about black oppression and I have never been more proud of the people fighting. I am actually planning to go to a protest this Sunday to support the BLM movement. Future me, 2020 has not been a very good year. But I am going to fight to finish it on a good note. I believe if we try we can go back to school in the fall and have one of the best summers ever. See you in 50 years.
-Meghan Kerr, 15


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