March 17th, Athens Plan Unfolds

As war between Sparta and Athens commenced, the Athenians knew they needed to have a plan to survive and beat the Spartans. Pericles had moved all of the Athenians out of Athens and they were living behind the city walls. He planned to use the Athenian fleets and Navy to have a chance of winning against Sparta. However, disaster struck on the Athenians. A grain ship had brought plague outside the city walls, where all the Athenians were crowded together. In the crowded conditions the disease spread, killing hundreds of Athenians and causing awful conditions everywhere, "the city must've looked terrible, smelled terrible, been awful to be in, and terror must've reigned everywhere"(Kagan).  The plague began with a heat in the head and red, inflamed eyes. Then, the disease moved to the bowels and stomach and caused ulcers and diarrhea.  Eventually, Pericles himself contracted the disease. He became very ill and had to rely on potions and spells to try and heal himself. However, as you may have figured, these methods failed and Pericles passed away in 429 B.C. The Athenians no longer had a leader or a plan to defeat Sparta.


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