Athens and Tyrants
In the beginning of Athenian civilization, ordinary people didn't have any say and didn't matter. The leaders who were at the time aristocrats only did things for themselves so they could stay in power. However, one day this all changed thanks to the tyrant Pisistratus. The story of how Pisistratus came into power is, one day he rode into Athens with a tall woman he claimed to be Athena. He then used 'Athena' to demand his rule. The Athenians obliged. Pisistratus changed the past hierarchy of aristocrats and commoners by turning to the common people for support. Pisistratus treated the commoners very well. He reduced taxes and gave them free loans for farming. Pisistratus led to many expansions in Athens. For example, he led to more trade with the eastern Mediterranean which caused a growth in weals and prosperity. The expansion also led to one of the most important Grecian art forms, pottery. The Greeks created beautiful vases and pots and even came up with a new way of painting to make them unique to the Greeks. Thanks to Pisistratus, Athens expanded greatly.
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