Terms and main ideas of Warring in City-states

Polis- Another name for city-states; fundamental political unit; made up of a city and its surrounding countryside.
Acropolis- A fortified hill top.
Monarchy- A single king rules an area of land.
Aristocracy- Government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families.
Oligarchy- A government ruled by a few powerful people.
Tyrants- Powerful people who seized control of the government by appealing to common people.
Democracy- Rule by the people.
Helots- Peasants forced to stay on the land they worked.
Persian Wars- War between Greece and the Persian Empire which Bega. in Ionia on the coast of Anatolia.
Phalanx- Foot soldiers of Greek army stood side by side, each holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, became the most powerful fighting force in the ancient world.

Main Idea- The growth of city-states in Greece led to the development of several political systems, including the idea of democracy
-Many greek government ideas have been implemented into modern day society, such as Americans using Democracy to vote for presidents and other political figures


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