Blog post 14

Today's key question was where is the world's population distributed? We were able to answer this question by defining population, demography, and the key demographic indicators which are Rate of Natural Increase, Total Fertility Rate, Young and Old populations, Population Pyramids, Life Expectancy, and The Demographic Transition. Population is the size and distribution of Earth's human population. Population can actually be studied using Demography which is a social science that entails the statistical study of it.
You can know more detail about a population using the key demographic indicators which I stated earlier. Rate of natural increase is a statistic that expresses a country's annual growth rate. It is calculated by subtracting the crude birth rate from the crude death rate and then converting it into a percentage. Total fertility rate is the average number of children born per woman age 15-45. Population pyramids are the visual representation of a nation's population representing age and gender. Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is expected to live from birth, it is used as an indicator of social development. Finally, the demographic transition is a conceptual model that tracks changes in birth and death rates for a country or region over-time.

In order to know more about the key question, we also had to know learning objective two which was to identify and track population statistics between nations. I have already stated the population statistics as you can see above, but one way we were able to track them is using the CIA factbook. We chose four countries and found the statistics of them, you can see this below.

France: Total Population: 67,364,357
Population Growth Rate: 0.37%
Total Fertility Rate: 2.06 children
Young and Old Populations: 0-14=18.48%   65+=19.82%
Life Expectancy: 82 years
Crude Birth Rate: 12.1/1000
Crude Death Rate: 9.4/1000
Infant Mortality Rate: 3.2/1000
Net Migration: 1.1/1000

Brazil: Total Population: 208,846,892
Population Growth Rate: 0.71%
Total Fertility Rate: 1.75 children
Young and Old Populations: 0-14=21.89% 65+=8.61%
Life Expectancy: 74.3 years
Crude Birth Rate: 13.9/1000
Crude Death Rate: 6.7/1000
Infant Mortality Rate: 16.9/1000
Net Migration: -0.1/1000

China: Total population: 1,384,688,986
Population growth rate: 0.37%
Total fertility rate: 1.6 children
Young and Old populations: 0-14=17.22%  65+=11.27%
Life expectancy: 75.8 years
Crude Birth Rate: 12.1/1,000
Crude Death Rate: 8/1000
Infant Mortality rate: 11.8/1000
Net Migration: -0.4/1000
Total Population: 16,581,273
Population growth rate: 1.72%
Total Fertility Rate: 2.87 children
Young and Old Populations:  0-14=34.55% 65+=4.46%
Life Expectancy: 71.8 years
Crude Birth Rate: 24.6/1000
Crude Death Rate: 5/1000
Infant Mortality Rate: 23.3/1000
Net migration: -2.4/1000


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