Blog 6

The first learning objective we had to answer today was to define multiple terms, one of which was Geographic grid, this is a system of imaginary arcs drawn in a grid pattern on Earth's surface. This allows us to find the absolute location so we can describe where something is answering the question how do geographers describe where things are? (which is again the key question). We also had to define longitude and latitude. Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the map. Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. These terms are necessary in finding specific points on earth, again helping to describe where things are.  The major significant lines of latitude and longitude are the prime meridian, equator, tropic of cancer, tropic of Capricorn, arctic circle, and antarctic circle. Speaking of these lines, parallels are lines of constant latitude that run east to west parallel to the equator and meridians which are lines running from pole to pole. These lines help to form the geographic grid and create latitude and longitude lines to find specific points on Earth. In order to actually find the absolute location on a map, you have to count the lines of latitude and longitude in the direction stated on the map (north, south, east, or west).

The learning objectives we had to complete today can all help geographers describe things are because they all help to provide the absolute location which is a simple an accurate way to find a point on Earth. Latitude, longitude, meridians, and parallels are all extremely important in creating a map and Geographic grid in order to find things on a map easily.


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